Converting your hits into customers

marketingVisitor to the website is a hope to the business that has to be materialized by converting him into a permanent customer. At Seoland Cape Town we aim at achieving solely one goal i.e. growth of customer’s business. For us the definition of growth covers three important aspects: expansion of business on global platform, increased revenues and optimal ROI.

Stimulating the visitor to perform the intended action is the motive of the leading SEO Company in South Africa. Alluring visitors to indulge in action is referred to conversion optimization. We have a special department of conversion rate optimization staffed with genius optimizers. Our profound understanding of the mind sets of digital customers and online technology helps us to convert visitors into customers, subscribers and registrants. Analyzing, Reporting and Optimizing are the three focus points of conversion process.

1. Analysis:

Doctor diagnoses the disease after analyzing the patient. is also the SEO doctor of infected websites yielding poor conversion rates. We diagnose the problem with the following tests:
Website Layout Analysis: It is the primary step to check the website layout against many parameters like HTML codes, Meta Tags, CSS, Scripting, etc.
Website Traffic Analysis: How many people are visiting your website? What is their motive to land on your particular website? Who directed them to your website? No. of people, their search queries and their sources are analyzed to conclude the conversion ratios.

Metric Analysis: Conversion depends on the perception of users about your website. Is the website user friendly or not? The relevance and the popularity metric are analyzed to increase conversion rate.
Usability Analysis: The interaction between the website and user must be analyzed in order to know what pages the user is visiting and what he likes and dislikes about your website.
Multivariate and A/B Testing: These are the advanced technical tests that give accurate results to know if strategies are working well or not.

2.  Reporting:
What a blunder it would be if a patient suffering from minor fever receives the report of cancer patient under his name by mistake? Flawless reporting is ensured with dedicated team of experts for each client. Our systematic and structural reporting system helps us to give the right treatment to the website for improved conversion rates.

3. Optimization:
Fixing the problem is optimization. We as an expert Seo company applies perfect strategy to stamp out all factors responsible for poor conversions. Our optimization practices are:

Landing Page Optimization: The first impression is the last. The webpage what the user come across for the first time holds utmost importance as it guides him to other pages of the website. This page must be optimized extraordinarily to ensure higher conversion rate.
Conversion Rate Optimization: Using different techniques and perfect e-commerce solutions we finally optimize all the pages of the website to increase sales and leads.